International Medical Graduates Subcommittee

The goal of this committee is to help international medical graduates (IMG’s) transition to work at MGH as smoothly as possible. Many current MGH postdocs are IMG’s aiming to pursue postgraduate medical education (residency or fellowship) in the U.S. Achieving this goal can be particularly challenging given the cultural adaptations, challenging board exams (USMLE) and complex paperwork they need to go through. The aims of this subcommittee are:
(1) Provide workshops and organize study groups pertaining to USMLE exams. We aim to organize a comprehensive talk/seminar given by current MGH IMG researchers who have completed their USMLE exams and current IMG residents at MGH and/or other partners’ hospitals.
(2) Facilitate getting accepted into a training program (residency or fellowship). We aim to organize an interview skills workshop, to be given by program directors and residents. The workshop will focus on giving residency applicants valuable tips on excelling in their interviews and presenting themselves in the most professional and desirable manner possible.


 Yirong Zhou, MD PhD
Cardiology, WCP, MGH

Committee Members:

Chhavi Saini, MD
Ophthalmology, MEE
Lilian Maria Godeiro Coelho, MD
Neurology, MGH
Yasmeen Senussi, MD
Pathology, BWH
Anirudh Buddhiraju, MD
Orthopedic Surgery, MGH
Nayla Mroueh, MD
Radiology, MGH
Antoine Bejjani, MD
Cardiology, BWH
Lukasz Szczerbinski, MD PhD
Endocrinology, CGM, MGH
Leela Morena, MD
Transplant Surgery, MGH